

You know what stinks?

Homeowners who paint over ancient wallpaper. 

Thinking about doing that? 


Here's our progress in the hallway. There is painted wallpaper covering the stairway as well as the upstairs hallway. This includes the ceiling. Here's where we are at.

You can see the difference between the hallway and the stairway here. The stairway had TWO layers of wallpaper underneath TWO layers of paint. Luckily, the hallway only had one layer of paint and one layer of wallpaper. So, it looks at least a teeny bit nicer.

Looks like an art project...

Hopefully, we can finish the paint scraping part. Then we can work on getting the glue&paper off.

I cannot wait for a fresh coat of paint. 


Handmade Christmas

For Christmas, I was determined to make something handmade and challenge myself in the field of sewing. These may not be perfect, but I am pretty proud of myself.

I made iphone cases for some ladies. I used linen napkins from West Elm as they were perfect and had the best thickness.

I also learned how to make a button hole with my Molly & how to finally sew a button.

The front is actually a pocket to hold cards or ear buds. And the side tab can be used for keys.

I also made small shower scrubs. It was a fairly easy recipe & it smells great. I ran out of epsom salt so I couldn't make as much as I had liked. I used it for my hands to test it out and my hands felt rather smooth afterwards.

I have to say, handmade is the way to go. It's a little stressful planning out time to complete the projects, but it feels great to give something from the hands & heart.