

I've had some more time on my hands lately (finally) so I took to my chair project pretty seriously and decided it was time to get it done.

If you remember, I purchased my craft room chair at Goodwill for 6 bucks. She needed to be re-glued to sturdy her up & paint & new fabric. 

I followed this tutorial and began by gluing and sanding. I used an oil based primer & gave her two coats. Then followed up with a semi-gloss latex (2x) & ended with a water-based sealer. After reupholstering following this tutorial,  I have a finished project two weeks later!

She definitely fits in with my color scheme for the room.

Ahh! I just love her!

Now that I have a comfy place to sit, there are more projects to get to!



Fells Point

After the Arts & Crafts fair this weekend, we first stopped at IKEA to pick up some cubed shelves for Ryan's records & then drove to Fells Point. Ryan, of course, went to Sound Garden while I went to the overpriced-yet-super-cute furniture store Su Casa. I snapped a few favorites that I wish I owned but would never buy at that price.

A beautiful reading chair for the living room.

 An old cafeteria table as a dining room table.

 Love the stools too.

 Cool dipped utensils. Would be an easy diy.

 Double coffee table. Adding pillows on top for feet.

 Loving this sign.

 I always find it hard to find nice rugs for my price range. Loved this one in particular.

 Still a little pricey for a 5 x 8.

 Nice coordinating pillows. I believe I've seen this fabric somewhere.

After pretend-furniture-shopping, I walked around the inner harbor which as always is quite lovely. My favorites are the side streets & the cobblestone walkways.

We met up after our independent excursions at Max's Taphouse for some drinks & food. I got myself a Yards Love Stout which later discovered is an oyster stout in which Ryan then explained on how they are made. Yuck. But still, very yummy indeed.

In love with our weekend adventures. Until next time!


Ballston Arts Market

My wonderful hubs & I took a mini adventure day trip this weekend to a few places; one being the Ballston Arts Market in Northern Virginia. Upon arriving, we decided that the area was really nice & "hip" for lack of a better word.

The crafts were cute & all handmade which I love. The only downfall was that it was a lot smaller than I had thought. We didn't end up staying long but we had a nice time walking around the market & along the streets. I was inspired by what I saw & have new ideas for new projects. Just a few pictures of inspiration I saw that day.

We stopped at a few other places on our adventure but more to come tomorrow.


Yay for First Grade!

As many of you know, I accepted a first grade contracted position at Pequea Valley for next year. I-AM-SO-EXCITED!

I am even more excited than when I started my first year of teaching on my own in 2008. This classroom is my own. I can actually make things and store things in cabinets! I can plan on using things AGAIN for next year! 

Summer camp starts tomorrow so I took today to get ready & prepared & scope out the situation. Thank you Joanne Bahry (yes, 107 was your room...man, being retired really did you in!) for being so ocd organized. Everything had a place and now I can sift through and find what I need and add my own things. I was in my glory today & got a lot accomplished but I am no where near complete (which is OK by me!)

After four years of uncertainty, stress, and penny-pinching-to-the-extreme, I have a home in teaching firsties! 


More Sewing of the Pillows.

I used the leftover fabric from our curtains to create not one now..but two pillows. And what a better place than to put them with my cheap-o Target pillows I picked up with Ginner.

Without much chatting, here they sit & with numerous different camera angles. (Notice Owen decides he doesn't need to move much. And he has decided that his foot belongs on them.)

It's coming together! (Please ignore that hideous purplish color on the wall by the staircase. It'll change one day.)